Wonderland without winter

The square in front of the royal castle is always a photo worth but especially during the Christmas time. For me this always one of the most beautiful times, everybody is getting in the mood of Christmas, and it’s not that busy like on the actual Christmas holidays. Also, the end of the year is near, so I think in these times always what did I achieve during the last year, what changed and for what am I graceful.

 What I really like during this period is to visit Christmas markets, they have their own flair and I really like this atmosphere. In Austria they always open around the last week of November, you could argue that’s a little bit early and to some points I agree, but when the first snow is falling it’s just natural to get into the Christmas mood. Normally in Austria the first snow falls in November, so it seams normal to me to open the Christmas market around this time. But in Warsaw they opened the Christmas market at the castle square and the old town really late it was in the second week of December and I was really waiting for it to happen, because I wanted to see the differences between the markets here in Poland and in Austria. The first thing which shocked me a little bit was the fact that they serve hot wine in a plastic cup, normally you get a real cup and you have to pay a deposit for it. But not in Warsaw, it was a plastic cup, still unbelievable even half a year later. Although when I was in Wroclaw, their they served the hot wine in a real cup. To be honest the Christmas market there was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. I can highly recommend; they market is made in a beautiful way.

Besides from the cup I also missed the snow and that you are actually cold and the hot wine is warming you from the inside, I think in Warsaw it had never below 0 degree or if so it wasn’t often. I know for some of my friend this was already ice cold. No one really likes the coldness but somehow it fells right for the Christmas market.
