Welcome on the website of European volunteering of the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation.

Start your European journey with us and become a volunteer in Poland within European Solidarity Corps programme. If you are interested in volunteering in the field of special & integrative as well as European & civic education both in formal and non-formal curriculum, you are in the right place! Increase your intercultural experience, improve personal and professional competences, share your experience and knowledge with others!

European Solidarity Corps programme allows young people (18-30 years) to volunteer in another country, covering all of its costs.


C’est du pain sur la planche, mais extrêmement précieux

W fundacji Les Petits Frères des Pauvres w Nantes we Francji pracuję jako wolontariuszka europejska od października. Miejsce to nauczyło mnie budować przyjaźnie międzypokoleniowe i rozumieć problem samotności. Fundacja zajmuje […]

Doświadczenie wolontariatu jak oddech świeżego powietrza

Hej, nazywam się Adam i mam przyjemność uczestniczyć w programie wolontariatu ESC w Lublanie, w Słowenii. Pracuję jako wolontariusz w centrum młodzieżowym o nazwie MC BOB, razem z trójką innych […]

Ruchome święto

            Szybkim ruchem dopiłem espresso, chwyciłem za plecak i ruszyłem w stronę peronu. Pociąg wyjątkowo podjechał na stację o czasie. Wsiadłem i krocząc ponad ludźmi siedzącymi w korytarzu odnalazłem swój […]



I came from Belgium, not knowing what to expect. Lo and behold I can confidently say I had the best time of my life here. 10 months, all filled with beautiful memories. If you’re doubting if you should volunteer or not. Trust me, a guy whom you have never met, it is 100% worth it.

Yusuf Yaldiz


It is almost 3 years since I started my EVS project. I remember like it was yesterday. Since then, time has passed, I couldn’t imagine that this 10 months project will change my life  from inside out. I can totally tell that international volunteering will never let you go, because once it’s over, it becomes part of you, your personality, it lives inside you in your memories. It  is a way of life.

Meline Tsatsuryan


Going abroad for a year sounds incredibly long, but I did it, ESC made this year possible. The trips, drinks, trainings and above all friends will always stay with me. However, one thing will add value to me every day: self-reliance. In short, volunteering has brought me a lot of pleasure and wisdom. For the doubters I just recommend the following: do it!

Paul van Vliet


World is so big and in the same time small! I learnt how much important is to love everything around you and then you’ll be loved also. I will always remember those people I’ve met – they will always be the part of me. Friendship is one of the best things happened during my project.

Domynika Balciute
