Back at work!

Now it is two weeks ago that I started to work again in Szansa and not just from home anymore. It is great to see the children and how they have grown in those two and a half month of quarantine. They have grown physically and personally. Some of them, who started walking in the beginning of Corona time, are running around now. Some are much more confident and active now. But they are not the only ones changing. Accordingly to the current situation, where we still have to be careful with Corona, we had to change our lessons, too.

We changed our room, which has normally a lot of pillows, carpets and stuffed animals, but those are very hard to clean. Now we mainly use just plastic toys, plastic chairs and tables, pillows with cleanable surface and no carpets at all. Even with those restrictions we tried to decorate the room and made is as child friendly as we could.

Furthermore we changed our time schedule. We just offer lessons on two days per week and instead of three groups with up to ten children, we have now two groups with max. six children per day. In addition after we clean and disinfect everything after each group. Sure it is annoying, but necessary and together it is quite fast.

My very first day back at work, I helped with an event in Mal. we build towers and castles out of paper boxes and the kids decorated them with much joy. I also lead some dancing and helped with everything else. I enjoyed this day and was really happy to see the children again. In addition I am proud of me that I had a short conversation with one of the children in Polish.

Thanks to the quarantine time I had a lot of time to plans lessons and therefore I am really happy to implement them now. So far we made lion masks, rattles out of plastic bottles, butterfly wings and music with pots and lids and I look forward to the next weeks doing many things more 🙂