Man, what a month it has been. Explored yet another beautiful city in Poland — Lublin. So, by now it should be a bit warmer. But of course, knowing Poland, this was not the case. Overal we were still in a cold grey country in March, however for one small weekend we managed to find a little window in which it would be 23-24°C. We of course had to make use of this beautiful weather and decided to go explore a new city.
Kazimierz Dolny
Here we are, in a small village with so much history and so many things to admire and see. Whether it be the beautiful houses, village center, castles, ruins, tombs, hike roads, look-out posts,.. List goes on and on.
The experience in this village was sublime. Everything was nice about it. It was so much fun to be a there on this warm day. We visited pretty much everything we could. And man, was it worth it.

This is a very, very beautiful city in the Southeast of Poland, and right next to Kazimierz Dolny. As always we visited the common places every tourist somewhat finds themselves at. There was also quite a bit to see at this city, however it definitely wasn’t as authentic as the neighbouring village we visited. There is quite a bit to see in Lublin, however the main thing to definitely visit it the,.. Let me explain.
So, the people of Lublin felt as their authentic history was slowly fading away and they decided to preserve this in the best way possible. In my opinion they succeeded. See, what the did was, they dedicated a huge area to preserve the farm life that was so authentic to that region. Imagine a gigantic area, with farms, animals, iconic buildings and so on, all there for tourists to visit. The farm is a little bit in use, but not as much as you would think.
They have these cabins of how certain services looked like years ago. And it is very interesting to behold.

Lublin is a very beautiful city and is definitely worth the visit, but make sure to also see the surrounding villages! Kazimierz Dolny was my favourite. 🙂
Eventually, I decided to visit my family in Belgium for the end of Ramadan. It’s always fun to see the family, of course. This time I went for a longer period of time. Man, the connection to Modlin Airport is so shit. I guess that’s what you get if you try to fly cheap. 😀

Eventually I came back to Warsaw, and to my surprise, mask outside were not mandatory anymore and restaurants were fully open again! Decided to eat a nice burger to celebrate this!

C u next month xoxo Gossip Girl