One day of a Schuman volunteer

8:30 Albane and I agreed to go to the office together today. Slowly realizing that two new girls arrived yesterday and coordinators promised to come over with pizza at 12. Texting Albane to come to our flat instead of the office to work from here. She seems mad about waking up so early without reason.

11:20 Woke up again. The new girls are ordering food from Glovo since they are on quarantine and can’t go out for ten days. Katerina #1 slept really good, Katerina #2 complained about the pillow being uncomfortable. I remember Yusuf had complained too and bought a new one. Do you think Katherina will do the same? Katerinas and I had some tea.

11:50 Woke up after a nap. Albane should come soon, Natalia is slowing awakening. She says her ankle is still swollen after the party in the basement a walk in the park with social distancing and a mask. Maybe she will go to the doctor later today.

12:04 Albane comes together with one of coordinators – Joanna. I am very proud of my clean room and showing it to Albane. She reminds me she already saw it when slept over after the party in the basement long tiring day of work. I make tea for Marta and Albane and we go to my room again to work. While Albane is writing a text for Instagram with excuses why we haven’t posted anything for a month, I’m making a picture for it in Canva.

14:11 – I can hear the ringbell. PIZZAS!! What a shame Natalia has left to see a doctor.

15:11 Very proud of my idea for the blog (the one I am writing right now) and decide to show it to Albane. She doesn’t seem very impressed, but at least she is polite.

Pepperoni pizza was my favourite (and thanks Dominos for the sauce.

15:32 I want to take a nap.

17:48 I love my co-worker.

18:15 Albane left and we promised that tomorrow is going to be a more productive day. Natalia is still missing. Katerinas are in their rooms.

19:09 Natalia came back with Clara! Doctor told her to stay at home for 4-6 weeks but we really doubt it is going to happen. A month at home? Come on.

20:00 I usually teach English from 6 to 9 on Tuesdays but first two lessons were cancelled so I just have one with a journalist from Moscow names Victoria. She is a great student and has made a huge progress.

20:50 Yusuf and Ketevan (other volunteers) arrive. So does Nik, my friend from India. Another guy is late (blame buses and winter).

21:46 Michael is finally here and we are going to play Ticket to Ride. It is a board game where you need to build train connections between cities to earn points. I was in the team with Yusuf but we haven’t finished the game since it was really late and Clara, Ketevan and Yusuf are responsible enough to take Uber home. The rest of us are not so organised and we are staying up till 2am and talking about everything. Have I mentioned the new girls brought wine and champagne from Ukraine?