Do widzenia Warszawa!

This picture was taken nine month ago in the beginning of my ESC project

9 months….crazy how time flies….on the other hand I collected a bunch of great experiences during the last nine months. I met people from all over Europe, talked, laughed and build deep friendships. Furthermore I learned a lot during this time, about other cultures, other countries and about myself. In addition I improved many skills work related and personal ones. I am really thankful for this unforgettable experience with wonderful people and great moments (and of course not to forget the tasty Pierogi ;D). I am half happy half sad leaving this project now. On one hand I am happy and exited to come back to my hometown, see my family and friends again and start a new chapter of my life. On the other hand I will really miss Warsaw, my work and the children. It was such gift to saw them developing and growing over the last months. And every time they smiled or I taught them something, it made me so happy and every second thoughts about doing the project just disappeared.

And last but not least I wanted to say “thank you!” to all the people, who made this ESC project such a great and unique experience, thank you for all the great discussions, thank you for all the hugs and thank you for all the great memories!

And even if my Polish may still be bad I’ld to say some final words:

Jestem bardzo szczęśliwy i bardzo wdzięczny dla moj czas jako woluntariusz w Warszawa. Ja idziemy do moj miasto rodzinne i moj serce jest wesoły i jest smutny. Bardzo dziękuję dla świetny czas! Kocham was, moje znajami, kocham cię Warszawa <3

Do widzenia!