What does Europe mean to you?

“Europe is freedom, moving around freely, respecting each other, respecting the cultural similarities and differences, a unity.” – Melanie from Austria

“For me Europe is just a continent; the name reminds me of Europa from the Greek mythology.” – Ruben from Belgium

“I consider not only Bulgaria but also Europe as my home, where diverse nations are sharing the same values to build a sustainable and peaceful future together.” – Yoana from Bulgaria

“I think for me Europe just represents a sort of unity and therefore security from fragmentation and people splitting into opposing groups; it’s never a bad thing when people feel connected to each other.” – Bruno from Croatia

“Europe to me means solidarity, security and cooperation between nations and people that have many things in common but also so many differences.” – Theodoulos from Cyprus

“For me Europe is a continent where the states are becoming a union, but they are still unique.” – Soňa from Czechia

“I feel very lucky and privileged having been born in Europe where people are free to live their lives relatively carefree, travel with relatively few restrictions and be happy living their life in a peaceful environment.” – Lagle from Estonia

“For me, Europe is an area with lots of history and culture, vibrant cities and outgoing people.” – Juliana from Finland

“I would say that I have great expectations for Europe because it’s such an old continent with so many treasures, and yet it let appear a bright future as well.” – Lucie from France

“Europe means peace, freedom and solidarity; Europe means to live in a society without borders; Europe means freedom to travel; Europe is freedom.” – Kyra from Germany

“Europe is a country, a country with magnificent history, culture, heritage and opportunities.” – Xenia from Greece

“Many different people in a small place.” – Richárd from Hungary

“The European Union has provided the foundation that has allowed me to broaden my horizons further than just the other side of the Irish sea; it has positively influenced how I work, live and study.” – Luke from Ireland

“For me Europe represents or should at least represent a union of states without any limitations or borders, united by an only ideal which is solidarity, which is why each European citizen should feel safe in all of Europe because he/she is part of it, of this great community; but in my opinion all this is turning into a lie, European countries are supposed to help each other and now they are just acting selfish, destroying my ideal of solidarity.” – Elisa from Italy

“For me Europe is home, notwithstanding the arguments that the family members have had over the years, I will always feel like home here.” – Zane from Latvia

“Europe is an opportunity for all of the Europeans to be equal and fair to each other.” – Dominykas from Lithuania

“For me the EU was the beginning because Luxembourg was with Belgium and the Netherlands the first one to create the EU.” – Karima from Luxembourg

“Europe to me means being able to feel at home whilst being far away from it; it means being able to stand together with my fellow Europeans, shoulder to shoulder and, whilst treating each other like family, sometimes accompanied by quarrel or conflict, but always with mutual trust, kindness and solidarity.” – Saviël from the Netherlands

“Europe is a home for me as a place but also as one big family in which we are all equal despite the differences between us.” – Konrad from Poland

“To me, Europe is a family that spent centuries tearing itself apart and now has embarked on the process of discovering its common humanity.” – João from Portugal

“Europe for me is a comprehensive home and the heart of culture; it is both the future and a vital, complex part of history.” – Ana from Romania

“Europe is a community in which people of different ethnic, cultural and linguistic background seek to find common goals and develop acceptance and appreciation for one another.” – Tina from Slovenia