One step from active life to quarantine ?

Volunteering time is one of the best in my life,it’s almost 6 month i’m volunteer and have many memorable days which is connected to other volunteers, they are friendly from the begining and we are happy when we are together, we are hangout often and organising some events, last event was costum party in a flat where i live,people wear different kind of costumes from movies,together us was one volunteer from bialystok, now he is our friend, was
together his 2 friends from Belgium, also project coordinator Joanna,Asia and Iga with cool costumes from tv show “la casa de papel, we dance and enjoy a lot.
Warsaw is nice city to do not gat bored and we are part of this city too,also we are enjoying out of warsaw, in march organisation schuman plan for us trip in a small part of poland bendzin, not so far from katowice, we visit school where are other 2 volunteers Asia and Benedikt to see where they live and work, before bendzin we visit museum in Katowice, i liked modern art part so much,in bendzin waited us students from the same school, we were exited because next 2 nights they host us in families, i find Igor too, he will host me, first expression from the Igor was like this
“i thought you are taller” ? oh sorry.. looking up to his eyes ? than we went by car to his home, driver was his mother,than i introduce his stepfather, he give me big warm hug, and than i eat huge part of meet with potatoes, so nice family,i’m glad that they host me and i had a opportunity to see how lives polish family and share their hospitality, Igor is so easy going person, from the begining we start to talk about different topics,first he give me information about the region and place where he lived,than we talked about many things,so open minded and smart boy,he give me his bedroom for sleeping it was so kind ❤ evening we went together other volunteers and students in city center to spend time together and have fun, next day we make some activities for students in school which we plan before, we make 4 group of volunteers and take different topics, our was about refuges, so sensitive and emotional topic,also we show them one video about refugees, one student cry to much,and they gat more information too about refugees and their problems..
Evening we went to eat a pizza and play bowling,i always wanted to play it and finally i play it first time in my life ? cool and fun…
And came time to say goodbye,still collect together as a begining,and i see many warm hearts and wet eyes, we spend only 2 nights but it make so hard to say goodby,hugs, tears…. And time to go…
The way back we visit to one castle and take a walk in a city to find train station,we found it, we have next 10 min before train go so nowhere to harry, we seat in a hall and take a rest,after 10 min we went to take a train but still early, went 10 min more… We start bothering about train and look around to make sure we are in a correct station,sure we are but went 30 min more and where is train, ooh we should to move other side there will come our train so run, okay now we are other side here definitely it will come soon looking time it pass to 18 and our train should come on 17:30 ooh time is start to call to gat info about train and we decide to take both of stations to do not miss train, and it’s around 20 o’clock so time to dance, music? Sure about corona virus.. And we all dance ? so was fun.. Does not matte that we arrived at home at 00:00 and change 2 train, still was fun, was fun because we where together…… This time make us friends,together friends is everywhere fun, even in a train station where is cold and waiting train 5 hour ?
Now…now it’s one week spending time at home, everything is closed,go out only for a walk,but that kind of situation and even worth is in other countries too…so still together your friends, our organisation support us as they can too, they give us some money for board games to do not gat bored at home, give some advices how to use ore free time and etc…….first 4 days people was in panic but now situation in poland goings calm… This is volunteering, many things to remind which makes you smile, even quarantine time, and hope will be more days for volunteering period connected to good emotions …. ❤?