And the shutdown starts…

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Today was the first day of corona-shutdown in Poland. From now on every school, university and kindergarten is closed for the next two weeks. Therefore we, volunteers in those places, don’t go to work for this time. But it doesn’t mean just being lazy the whole day. But before I tell you what we do the whole day I want to describe the situation in Poland: since Saturday night the boarders are closed for foreign people and international railway and flights are cancelled. In addition all not necessary shops as well as museums, cinemas and Bars are closed (still open for example pharmacy, supermarkets). We are still allowed to go out, but we try to go out as less as possible and to avoid contact with people to keep the risk of infection low. I only go outside to buy food or for a walk in the park nearby. So what to do the whole day at home?

This is a good question and I think a lot of people around the world have the same. We don’t have to waste it and could fight the boredom. Here are some activities I plan to do:

  • learn to play ukulele (as I got the message that we’ll stay at home for the next weeks I bought one)
  • making bracelets
  • reading books or articles in internet
  • watching historical movies
  • playing online-games with friends
  • learning Polish (with Website, App, book)
  • video calls with friends and family
  • watching Netflix (try to watch more English and maybe try Polish)
  • prepare things for work
  • playing games with my flatmates

And nevertheless I want to use the time to write blogs so be aware, next blogs will be there soon 😉

Heute ist der Beginn des Corona-Shutdowns. Ab nun sind nur noch die notwendigsten Geschäfte geöffnet, wie zum Beispiel Supermärkte, Apotheken und Drogerien. Auch wir Freiwilligen werden für die nächsten Wochen nicht zur Arbeit gehen da Schulen, Kindergärten ect. ebenfalls geschlossen bleiben. Das heißt aber nicht, dass wir den ganzen Tag nur rumsitzen. Hier sind ein paar Ideen für die Quarantänezeit:

  • Videoanrufe mit Freunden und Familie
  • Dinge für die Arbeit vorbereiten
  • Armbänder knüpfen
  • Ukulele (oder anderes Instrument) spielen
  • mit den WG-Mitbewohnern Spiele spielen
  • virtuelle Museumsrundgänge
  • geschichtliche Filme und Serien schauen
  • Bücher lesen
  • Polnisch (oder eine andere Sprache) lernen
  • Serien oder Filme auf einer anderen Sprache schauen

Außerdem werde ich viel Zeit haben um Blogs zu schreiben also seid bereit die nächsten Posts kommen bald 😉