March like an arch

If the year started for me with low energy and a bit of lack of motivation and February was definitely one of the most dynamic months of the mobility with a lot of traveling, great experiences in the schools and many preparations for the upcomming period, March couldn’t be an exception so far.

It’s the middle of the month and so many things happend already that I don’t know from where to start.

Right at the begining of the month we visited our colleagues Asha and Benedickt in Wojkowice and we had an amazing time all together. The main objective of the trip was to share some activities on different topics with the students from the school and European Club from the local community.

And we did it. Divided in groups, we created for them activities related to disability, environement, LGBTQ+ Community or refugees.

Thus, during two days they had the possibility to find out how does it feel to be visually impared, what does LGBTQ+ stands for, which are the countries that allow the same sex marriage, how could they facilitate the integration of refugees in their country, what does food miles mean, a battery or a glass bottle, which one degradiates faster or even to share their ideas for a sustenable lifestyle. All those activities plus a quiz with interesting facts about E.U. Member countries and a contest for the best post on Schuman blog, were just the start of a wonderful time in the town.

The experience was even funnier when we started to visit the city and to spend time with our hosts  ‘cuz we’ve been hosted in polish families all those days and I couldn’t ask for more.

I felt part of the family who welcomed me since the begining most probably because of the atmosphere they created for me and my roomie Hanna. We had a lot of fun with Mihał &Co and we are still in touch with most of them. Plus I know some good polish raggie songs.

For me it was incredible to find out that literarly over night strangers can become friends despite the diffrences between them. As one of my colleague says from the begining of the project: “we are diffrent, but the same.”

If you think that this should be the end of the story, let me tell you so do I, but our trip is not finished yet neither my post.

The last morning found us trying zapiekanka, sharing the last thoughts with the students and after many hugs, so unwanted goodbye moment came and we left Wojkowice with the promiss that we’ll meet again soon.

Since I traveled a lot during these months I already get the habit of drawing the conclusions of what I did and what I felt during the workshops while taking the train back home, so I did this time and fortunately I had a lot of time ‘cuz the travel way back was way longer than we all expected and we all found out the meaning and the feeling of not knowing all the information we need in order to take the best decision. Finally, around midnight we managed to be in our lovely Warsaw safe and sound. It was an unforgetable trip! To be continued!