My week in silesia – week 9

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In my 9. week we, as volunteers from Schuman Foundation, travelled all together to Wojkowice, a city is Silesia (south-east of Poland). We stayed there for three days and did workshops in a school. Every group has its own topic and the students go from on “island” to another.

Our group had the topic “LGBTQ+ community” and we had a map, where the students should put post-its on the countries of the European Union. They had to decide between yellow, which stood for homosexual marriage is allowed. Orange for countries, where civil union is allowed and pink to mark those in which none of them is allowed. It was really interesting to observe which countries they saw as liberal and open-minded and which as conservative. A lot of times they put their first yellow post-it on Germany and the first pink on Poland. It was not an easy task, but I hope they learned at bit, at least I did: after repeating it so many times, I nearly now how is it ruled in all European countries. In addition to the map we had a quiz about the letters LGBTQ+. For the majority it was no problem to say the words for which the letters stand and to explain what it means. Furthermore we tried to discuss about some quotes about LGBTQ+ community (for example: “It is not natural” or “You are not born this way, it is a decision”). Even if it was difficult to discuss because of the language barrier, I was really surprised how open-minded the teenagers were. Some of my favorite reactions on the quotes:

For almost all of them it is totally normal to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community and a lot of them know people being a part of it. Over and above that the majority said that older generations especially grandparents are not as open-minded as themselves.

While our time in Wojkowice we lived in host families it was such a nice experience and my host family was so wonderful. I am really thankful for the opportunity to stay at their home and the mother was so kind. She always cooked for us and took care of me being a vegetarian. My host sister was really nice, too. At the beginning she was a bit nervous, but with some time it got better and we talked about lots of things.

In the mornings we always had workshop time and then we ate lunch together. Afterwards we played pool or bowling. Winning was never important for us, most of the time we played without teams or better we played with all-time changing teams. The important point was to support each other and to have a funny time together.

On Wednesday evening we went to roller skating. It was so much fun! I fell in love with roller skating. On our way back home the first thing I did was looking on Facebook if there is some place for skating in Warsaw and I was so happy as I found one.

I really enjoyed those few days with the other volunteers and the hosts. I met so many new and nice people and even with those I know since more than two months, the other volunteers, the bond got thicker and stronger. A few of the good moments from the time in Silesia are collected here:

*Let’s travel Nr.3

In meiner neunten Woche fuhren wir als Schuman Freiwilligengruppe nach Wojkowice. Im Nachbarort wohnen Benedikt und Ascha, zwei Schuman Freiwillige, welche an einer Schule in Wojkowice ihr Freiwilligenjahr absolvieren. In dieser Woche waren auch wir an der Schule. Wir hatten Kleingruppen Themen vorbereitet, welche wir nun auf verschiedenste Art präsentierten. Die Schüler gingen von Station zu Station und bearbeiteten unsere Aufgaben. Meine Gruppe hatte das Them LGBTQ+ Gemeinschaft. Wir hatten eine Karte vorbereitet und die Schüler sollten schätzen in welchen Ländern der Europäischen Union es homosexuellen Paaren erlaubt ist zu heiraten, in welchen Ländern nur eine eingetragene Partnerschaft und in welchen Ländern beides nicht erlaubt ist. Es war sehr interessant, dass die meisten Schüler Deutschland mit als erstes mit einer grünen Markierung (für homosexuelle Ehe erlaubt) versahen, wobei es erst seit 2017 die Eheschließung für homosexuelle Paare in Deutschland gibt. Deutschland ist damit eher relativ spät dran, während die Niederlande schon 2001 die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe erlaubten. Es war auch für uns Freiwillige interessant zu lernen, wie es mit dem Thema in der Europäischen Union so aussieht. Außer der Karte hatten wir noch verschiedene Aussagen vorbereitet, um die Schüler zu einer Diskussion über das Thema anzuregen. Ich war sehr überrascht, dass so gut wie alle Schüler sehr offen und tollerant dem Thema gegenüberstanden zumal ja Polen eins der sechs Länder der EU ist, in welchem weder die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe noch eine eingetragene Partnerschaft gestattet sind.

Während der Zeit in Wojkowice wohnten wir in Gastfamilien. Es war eine super Erfahrung und ich bin echt dankbar dafür, wie sehr mich meine Gastfamilie um mich gekümmert hat.

Unsere Workshops fanden immer am Vormittag statt. Am Nachmittag waren wir Billard spielen, Bowlen und and einem Abend in einer Rollschuhdisko. Das hat echt viel Spaß gemacht!

Das Video zeigt ein Paar Eindrücke aus Schlesien.

Viele Städte irgendwie verbunden und doch so fern,
Es ist schwer einen Überblick zu behalten auch wenn ich es möchte so gern.
Der Smog füllt unsere Lungen,
Man kann ihn fast schmecken auf unseren Zungen.
Die Städte liegen im Dunst,
doch nicht weit ist die ländliche Idylle ware Kunst.