Celebrating my birthday and Valentine’s Day — Wrocław

All right. Here we are with yet another entry in this blog. This month was a special and expensive one.

Guess how many close family members celebrate their birthdays in February.

You guessed it! Seven! (Which is also the name of one of my all time favourite movies starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. Must watch — go watch it)

Let’s get into it.

Here we are, end of January, going into this interesting new month. My older brother’s birthday just passed. I gave him the best gift ever, no joke. Yo, Özgür, comment down in the Facebook post that you indeed did receive the best gift ever.

I’m chilling, as I usually do, trying to think what I could present the other family members. Also worth mentioning their birthdays are as follows: 2nd/3rd/3rd/3rd/6th/13th(mine)

It took a while, as I usually carefully craft together each birthday gift every year. However, I was facing a couple of obstacles this year with the pandemic still looming over us and well, me being in Poland.

So, you’re obviously wondering what I ended up getting them. It is special — let me tell you. I got them nothing.

Why you ask? Well, because I decided I would live my best life in Poland (following in Carolina’s footsteps) and not waste money on unimportant people. Those being my literal family, lmao. Just kidding, I love them so much.

So I decided to volunteer a bit harder to get my karma points back up after being a dick to like half of my family.

See, before I mentioned I craft together each present very thoughtfully. I do, I really do. I craft them so thoughtfully, because the end goal is not to make the person happy, but gift them something that would also benefit me. Think smart, people.

Fast forward to the days before my birthday and Valentine’s Day.

I decided to present my girlfriend with the usual bullshits, such as teddybears, chocolates, perfume, clothing and whatnot.

But also, I want to travel around Poland. So I called up my cash machine, I mean my brother and made him pay for my trip to Wrocław. The key to staying rich is manipulating family members into paying for your expenses.

Let’s get into the main part of this blog.

As my beautiful girlfriend deserved way more than some lousy gifts, I decided to surprise her with a trip to Wrocław. Also this was a birthday gift from me to myself.


This city had everything. Good food, amazing sightseeing, Interesting history, the usual cold weather, but most importantly… They had GNOMES, so.. so.. so many gnomes. More than 400 gnomes scattered all around the city. But more on that later. First the generic stuff.

So, here we are. After a long train ride to this old majestic city.

We were staying in an Airbnb and it was looking nice, it was located directly in the centre of the Old Town.

We chilled out and walked around the neighbourhood the first day as we were pretty beat up from the 6 hour train ride, lol.

Wrocław Zoo

Man, how stupid can you be to go to a zoo in the winter, lmao? All the animals were inside! But, fuck it! Let’s be optimistic.

After walking around the empty, cold, barren zoo, we saw a building! It was the Wrocław Zoo Africarium.

It was very fun to walk around this part of the zoo. I saw such amazing animals I had never seen before in my life, but most importantly it was warm!

After the zoo, we ate, walked around the city for quite a while.

In the evening we went to the neon lights district of the city and took these cool pics.

Mural district

When I tell you it was too cold to take out your phone and take a picture, better believe me. Regardless, this shit was cool, man.

That evening we went sightseeing as always. As that is what you usually do when you visit a new city.

And that was Wrocław summarised.

Disclaimers: My girlfriend got me amazingggg birthday gifts, but not sharing them here. Also I broke a closet in the Airbnb on “accident” lol. (had to pay €55)

But yeah, it was an amazing February. March sucked dick, I will explain why in my next blog post.

C u next month xoxo Gossip Girl

Oh damn! I forgot! The GNOMES!!!!!!!!!

We ended up spotting about 40 gnomes out of the 400. Quite the accomplishment as the whole city was covered in snow.

Check below!