Excuse me, I don’t understand. Is the meaning of this polish sentence. A sentence which is quite useful for a non polish-speaker, followed by the sentence if the can speak in English. People always assume that I am polish, so the start speaking polish with me. Even though I learned, some polish words it still not clear for me in 95% of the cases. In the beginning of the project every polish word sounds so strange. Now I know the basics words and it doesn’t sound that weird to me. And to be honest I Started to like the sound of polish even I listen to some polish songs. I really like the Artist Dawid Podsiadlo. I wanted to go to a Concert of him, but it has been canceled. In this article I want to share some enjoyable moments had with thepolish language until now.

The first situation was in a school, were I had a workshop about Natura 2000. There my materials were in English and the students had some problems to translate it but unfortunately the teacher didn’t speak English, she was a German teacher. Therefore, I had to translate the English material to her to German and she translated into polish. I think some meaning was lost in translation, but in the end the managed somehow
The next funny situation I remember was also for a workshop in a school which was in a small village. To travel there, I had to take a train to the next bigger town and then someone had to pick me up there and bring me to the school. In the end the headmaster took me from the train station to the school. It took around 25 minutes. The headmaster spoke a little bit English and she told me I should talk with her English during the ride and she will talk to me in polish so that we could learn from each other. It was such a nice conversation even though we didn’t understand one 100% of each other but in the end, we knew what the other wanted to say. On the way back to the train station the same again. The headmaster was so excited about it that she could bring me back and she was thankful to have another English lesson with me. It was nice, just her driving technique was a little bit dangerous in my opinion, so I was happy when we arrived save.
After one workshop in a school, some students showed us their city andexplained us the history about it. When the guy who was supposed to show me and Elena the city introduced himself, he said his name is Jacob in an English way. I was kind of surprised and asked is your name Jacob or Jakub? Then he said his name is Jakub and he just wanted to get sure we understand his name. I told him don’t worry I got it
One of the first workshop I had was in a primary school, but there was also a kindergarten included. After the workshop in the primary school.the teacher asked us to visit the kindergarten and Elena and I did. There we spoke with the kids a little bit and they showed us the things and explained how it is in polish. One boy showed me all colours he could find and wanted that I repeat it after him. Currently, I only knew red and white in polish. I wear a red jacket this day and I said with confidence inpolish “To jest czerwony (This is read) and the little boy said “Nie nie to jest bourdau. Since then I knew exactly what shade of red my pulloverhad.
The polish language sounds sometimes like one big tongue twister to me On the students are aware of it, so the students asked me a lot of times to repeat some words and sometimes it’s not even a tongue twister they asked me to repeat just simple words like ninety-nine which is”dziewięcdziesiąt dziewięć” or sometimes only a name like Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz. I know this name is from a movie and it really exaggerate the difficulty of the polish languages and it shows.