What is equality?

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”

This is the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human rights, which has been made in 1948 in Paris by the United Nation General Assembly. Two values are mentioned, which highlights the importance of this tow key values. Freedom and Equality. Two values which all human beings should have, but of course the reality looks different. Also, the values seams, to be simple, yet they are so complex. In this article I want to focus on the Equality aspect.

Equality, a value which is in the basics very simple. Everybody should be treated the same, regardless of their gender, sexuality, religion… Nevertheless, there is the point which is worth to mention, there has to be mad a difference between the fact that every human being should be treated equal and that every human is different at the same time. Our own personalities which makes every human being unique, are not essential in question of equality. All human should have the same opportunist and rights, this is something which shouldn’t be determined by the birthplace. But in realty it is one of the most important factors. Equality is not equal contributed around the world. Already with the birth a lot is already decided, are we born in a country with free education system, free healthcare system… These are points where the equality of opportunity, is already gone.

The other part of equality I want to point out is the equality of rights. All humans should have the same rights. Similar as the opportunities around the world rights are differ from country to country and provide a different situation, for human beings. For example, it is not allowed to marry the person you want all over the world and that is simply because of the fact, that two person have the same gender. This is just one fact, which shows the inequality we still have and face on a daily base. Another point which highlights the inequality is the gender pay gap. The gender pay gap is the wage gap between women and men, for the same work at the same time. This are just two simple examples which points the inequality out.

The situation is getting better and a lot of evolution in the field of equality has happened but still we are not at the point where we can say, everybody has the same rights and opportunities. It seams, to be a utopian idea, but for sure it isn’t. Equality can’t be reach in a day or two not even in 5 years. It is a process which takes its time but we are on the right way.