The Day of Europe

“We are Europeans” – Schuman volunteers

Today it the Day of Europe. 70 years ago Robert Schuman suggested his vision of European collaboration. With the experiences of the first and second World War, nobody wanted to let this happen again. The politicians searched for a way to guarantee peace in Europe and that the human rights will never as mistreated as they were in the second World War. Schuman, the former foreign minister of France, had the idea to have an European organisation to manage and put together the coal and steel production. His idea, his dream, was the foundation stone for the European Union.

I was born and raised in the European Union. I can’t imagine a life without. The European Union means a lot to me. It guarantees us a lot of freedom and simplifies our life. We have the freedom to travel, we can meet people from other countries and other cultures, we can call from foreign countries without paying more than at home, we have products from all over Europe in the shelfs of our stores, we can work in another country – all without any big expenditure. Furthermore it ensures us to have standard of water and food quality, it ensures the countries help in difficult situations and the possibility to discuss problems and criticize wrongdoing. But the most important thing: we live in peace!

In those short videos I share some moments when I feel European. Do you feel yourself as a European? Why? And if yes, when?

Do you have friends in other countries? How did you met?

Have you ever heard about ESC (European Solidarity Corps) or Erasmus + before? ESC is focused on volunteering in another European country. It is what I do at the moment. Erasmus is connected to studying in another European country. Both are great ways to meet new people and to have international exchange.

If you are interested you can have a look on those websites:

Besides the geographic connection, several values connect the members of the European Union. The values should lead to a peaceful, respectful and fulfilling life with a good standard for all.

The values of the European Union:

  • respect for human dignity and the human rights
  • personal freedom
  • democracy
  • equality
  • rule of law
  • market economy
  • solidarity

Unfortunately it is not all good if I think of the European Union. Besides those positive feelings when I say “I am European” there is a feeling of being guilty. The European Union is a great project with a lot advantages and the concept is definitely good, but the reality looks not just bright. Not all countries in the EU support the values.

Some countries turn more and more in not democratic states and disrespect the human rights. Minorities be suppressed, homosexual people don’t have the same rights and refugees are not seen as humans. It is incomprehensible how especially Hungary and Poland refused to take refugees in and how Hungary treats them at the boarders. But they are not alone with their distorted view: the whole European Union don’t shine if it comes to the treatment of refugees. It is a dramatic fail how the whole situation with the refugees was and is handled. Humans die in the Mediterranean Sea and Europe watchs. Volunteers, who help people to survive, are declared as criminals. In overcrowded refugee camps in Greece people, who escaped from terror and war, has to face the next hell on the boarders of Europe. In Moria (refugee camp on Lesbos), which was planned for 3 000 people, now over 20 000 humans are living there. 1 300 persons per 1 water tap. Up to 6 people have to sleep on a space of 3 square meters. All this is cruel enough, but with a worldwide pandemic it is a catastrophe! That has nothing to do with respect for human dignity and human rights. The European Union has to find a sustainable solution together and it can’t be to close the eyes and ignore how many people die. It also can’t be to send the people back to their home countries, in which are not safe. Solidarity can not stop at boarders! We are all humans with the same rights! Leave no one behind! Not now in this pandemic and not if it is over – never !

The European Union is one of the greatest ideas ever and does great job in many perspectives, but it is necessary to remember the values and don’t lose the view for humanity. We all have to work on it. Everybody can start with small steps: don’t accept racist expressions, help people, who are threatened, support marginalised groups and fight for their rights. We are European. Together we build the European Union and together we can make a change. Together we can make the European Union a defender of human rights and a symbol of solidarity – a nice place to live!