What Europe means for me

To answer this question, first I think I have to establish the concept of Europe? Of course, it’s a continent but the problem is there is not really an obvious border to Asia. Therefore, the concept of Eurasia seems more logical than the concept of two separated continents like Europe and Asia. The only context in which this concept is used is in a geographical and geological way, but never in a social or cultural way. The answer seems quite obvious but when you start to think about it, it is getting more and more complex. For example, the language, the majority of European languages are part of Indo-European languages, but not all like Hungarian and Finish but some Asian ones are part of the Indo-European languages like Farsi Therefore the concept of Europe is built on the history which differs a lot with the Asian one. Furthermore, the concept is based on the same ideology the concept of politics economical and ideals are similar around the continent

But now its enough about definition, because in the end it is not about this. I think its possible to argue for hours, why Cyprus is European and why Armenia isn’t. In the end this is not the fact that matters. But one thing which is worth to mention is the difference between Europe and the European Union. For many people Europe is a synonym for the European Union. This is quite interesting that the majority connects these terms. Sometimes I use this terms in a wrong way and then have to say to myself Europe is not equal to the European Union.to To fell European can be seen very differently form person to person. For one person, it could only mean to be from the European continent. For me it so much more if you ask me.

The Tyrolian flag (coincidentally the same as the Polish flag)

I am Tyrolian European and Austrian! For me there is no order, I think you don’t have to decide for one option, I can be all at once. I think to have this identity it is so awesome. My Region where I am from, Tyrol, was separated after the First World War. The norther part of Tyrol is Austrian, the southern part belongs to Italy. Nevertheless, we have the same history, customs languages and many more things in common. But there was a hard border which separated Tyrol. Austria joined the European Union in 1995, the same year as the Schengen was introduced. Due to this, there where no longer border controls between North Tyrol (AT) and South Tyrol (IT). Also, with the introduction of the Euro as currency in Austria and Italy in 2002, was a big step to be closer again. I was born in 2000, so I know only the situation where it was normal to go to South Tyrol without any obstacles, but I just realized that when I was a lot older.

I was always convinced from the idea of the European Union, especially when I was younger like 12 or something. I didn’t fully understand the concept behind it at that age but just the idea that 28 countries work together, sounded for my younger self amazing. I still think it is great that 27 (UK I am looking at you, maybe after some decades you will be back) work together and maybe more in the future.

I was always convinced from the idea of the European Union, especially when I was younger like 12 or something. I didn’t fully understand the concept behind it at that age but just the idea that 28 countries work together, sounded for my younger self amazing. I still think it is great that 27 (UK I am looking at you, maybe after some decades you will be back) work together and maybe more in the future.

But in my opinion the European Union needs reform. The current form is not convincing for me. The first which has to change is the principle of unanimity. In a union where one member can block every decision doesn’t make sense at all, because this leads to the point where all decisions are based on the lowest common denominator. This stops the Union from a progress. I think there are other ways to come to a senseful majority, it doesn’t have to be 50% + it can be another way as well

One other thing which really bothered me are the European Elections. I don’t see the point, why all citizens of member states are voting for one parliament, but we are not able to vote for politicians from other countries. It is not unlikely that a French, Estonian or Dutch… party share a more similar view than some Austrian parties. I think I should be allowed to vote for them. During the election 2019, the announced that the leader of the different party group lists ( Spitzenkandidat) will be the next president of the commission. The intention was to make the system more democratic and I would say it worked because the election turnout was the highest since 1994. Back then the EU had less members than nowadays. But in the end the dumped the system and choose a person as president of the commission who wasn’t only electoral list. This leads to the Eurosceptical thinking, which I can understand. To announce a big change and in the end, to withdraw from it, doesn’t help to strengthen the trust in the European Union

But lets come back to the advantages. The freedom we have thanks to the European Union are amazing. We can live works study wherever we want inside the European Union. I mean for me its normality, but when I think back to my parents’ generation, they had to deal with border controls, exchange rates and stuff like this. If I go further back to my grandparents’ generation, my grandfather was born in 1938, he lived during the Second World War and now a war inside the European Union is impossible. I am not able to think about this scenario happen right now. Peace is only noticed when it is absent, and I am quite sure we are not valuing this enough.

Another point which I want to mention is, that thanks to the European Union and especially the European Solidarity Corps I have friends from all over the continent. There are already plans made for visiting them after the project is finished. I am so glad to make these friendships because I got to know new mentalities new ways of thinking and acting. Partying like Spaniards, cooking like a Russian, drinking like a Pole and so many more things for which I am grateful to experience. I think a few years ago this was rarity and now its way more common and in the future it will be nothing special anymore. I know right now are difficult time for the whole world, a few months nobody could expect such a scenario with the COVID-19 crises. But this is exactly the time where Europe has to work as close together as possible. We have to support the nation who have been hit hard from the outbreak like Italy and Spain. The European Union was created after the second world war, and one of the founding fathers was Robert Schuman and today I have the privilege to work in an organisation which is called after him. I hope in these days there is such a great personality like him and is looking brave in the future and is not afraid of making big reforms which seems to be impossible. The European Union has to work as close together as possible.