Pray for the world – covid19

Our life can change in one minute! There are a lots of things in life that we are not able to control and sometimes it is more important to accept the situation and learn why these things happening – no matter how hard it is. I believe that everything in this life happens for us and not to us.

  During this tough period when the world is suffering from covid-19 we all got chance to take our time and think more deeply about our lives, future, environment, values   and appreciate things that we took for granted before.

This is a big wake-up call for each of us personally and for the whole world as a part of global community.

This virus affects us physically, mentally and spiritually. I believe it is perfect time for all of us revalue everything in our life. We stopped being thankful for simple things that made our days whole and beautiful and always find something to complain about. Now we will understand that we don’t need to reach mountains and turn the world round in order to be happy, we just need to be grateful for every peaceful morning, for every smile, for every sense and breath that we have.

Let’s use this period to improve the state of our soul in the following ways:

  • Having a sense of meaning and purpose.
  • Loving and being loved.
  • Self-esteem, a sense of your own worth.
  • Tapping into inner peace and joy.
  • Being of service to others.
  • Generosity of spirit.

If you are reading this article now please write down  how you can perform an act of kindness today, show appreciation to someone, offer help to those in need, or bring comfort to someone feeling lonely and anxious — the simple human gestures we tend to overlook.

Let’s pray for the world together! Much love all of us!