Trip to Katowice, Wojkowice and Strzyzowice.

I’m going start to write a little introduction about our currently situation in general and here in Warsaw. As everybody know we are suffering the 2020 crisis, which is called CODV-19. This virus was orgined in Wahun (China) currently this is affecting more than 170 countries, after China as a country, Europe is the most affected continent in the head is Italy and is followed by Spain. By the moment Poland is being lucky one because in spite of all bordiers, shops, restaurants, clubs are closed is still alloweed go out to take a little walk and breathe fresh air.  Once the introduction is written and everybody can undertand better our situation, I go to speak about our trip as a volunteers in Silesia doing a group workshop about different topics, in my case was about Refugees.

It was 3 march 8:30h and everybody was in the platform waiting for the train which was going to take us to our destination Katowice. When we arrived, Asha and Beneddict was there waiting for us to go to lunch in a Bar mleczny (typical polish “bars” where they serve very traditional and cheap polish food, it was created in the end of XIX century), then we went to Silesian Museum, there was many art (paints and sculptures) about Silesian region or silesian’s artist. When the visit was finished, all of us took the bus to Wojkowice one small village where the families who was hosting us, were waiting for pick up us and take us to the houses.

In my case my family was living in Strzyzowice, 15 minutes from Wojkowice. My host was Wiktoria, she is 15 and very lovely. She lives in a very big house with her mum, dad and two very big dogs. When I arrived to the house everybody welcome me in a very lovely way, they had prepared handmade z miesem pierogi (typical polish meat dumplings)  and then we went together  with to the rest of volunteers and hosts to the billiard.

Wiki my hostess, her mum and me
Wiki’s house

In 4 march, we woke up early (6:30 am) I saw the sunrise from my room balcony. I took a shower and Wiktoria’s mum had the breakfast ready, it was tea and Kanapki (bread with butter, ham, cheese, tomato and cucumber), then the dad woke up and took us to the school. I arrived there approximately at 8am, and all my group started to prepare our corner which was called “Refugees Island”. Our group prepare 3 differents activities, first of all was a kind of quiz with 6 questions about refugees and migrants (data, statistics…) the second was a video (here I share the link for your information: and after the video 3 questions for create a debate and to know how is the teenager’s thoughts about this topic. The third activity was about to inform concerning to the NGO’S and foundations which take care about refugees in Poland (most of this information was Dina who explained because for the people was more easy to understand the objective in Polish). After the workshop we went to eat pizza and play bowling. In my case Wiktoria wanted to dinner with her grandmother (she had prepared other typical Polish meal is called Golabki and is made like rolls with meat and rice)during this dinner Wiktoria told me all of her future plans, also she asked me many thing about my life and I gave some tips to her like “Wiki you have to flow and have to live everything you want, always taking concius about it, but enjoy each moment and live like was the last second”. When we finished to dinner, Michael (Hanna and Helen host) prepared a kind of party with some music, food and soft drinks because most of them was under 18. In this party I had the opportunity to speak and know more about Hanna (also volunteer), she is very strong and nice girl.

Hanna, Dawid, Wiki, Helen, Dina, Michael, Paulina, Greg and me.

In 5 march we woke up a little bit later (7:30h) and Wiki’s mom again had prepared the breaksfast this time was a omelette with polish sausage and tea. I said goodbay to the mom, I was very grateful and she was very lovely and kind with me. The dad again take us to the school, when I arrived Wiki introduced me her boyfriend Kasper he was very nice, so they are very nice couple together! Later I was again with my group doing the workshop with the same activities. When we finished it, we went to eat Zapizanki ( traditional polish “pizza” ). At 5:30pm our train supposedly was waiting for us but wasn’t. We had to wait almost 4 hours for the next train because our train passed and didn’t pick up us. It was a crazy but at the same time funny experience because we share more time together specially with Joanna, Asia and Maja because normally we don’t have the chance to share time with them. Finally we arrived to Warsaw at 12am very tired but very happy for had have the opportunity to live this wonderful experience and share more time together meeting new amazing people. I feel blessed for live this volunteering with this amazing humans beings. Thanks 🙂

All volunteers and Schumman Crew. I love y’all 🙂 <3
Some volunteers 🙂